Many of us own a home or a condominium governed by a community association, or maybe you are considering buying one that is. Understanding the condo and HOA budgeting process in your community should be …
Common-interest communities, also known as common-interest developments or CIDs, include condominiums, coops, retirement communities, vacation timeshares, and other housing developments comprised of individually owned units, in addition to shared facilities and common areas.
Considering buying a home or condo governed by a community association?
Community Association?
Considering buying a home or condo governed by a community association? If so, we recommend you get to know the financials of the association before you close the sale
You have been shopping for your new home for months when you finally come across the perfect one. It is located in a gated community or a luxury condominium tower with phenomenal curb appeal. The community has a beautiful pool area with great fitness amenities and the location is central to your lifestyle. Everything “appears” to be perfect, until you